Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Police Shorthand Bureau SBCID (TN Police) has announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 12TH for the position of Junior Reporter. Interested and eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format on or before 31/03/2020. Candidates are advised to go through the official notification and eligibility criteria carefully before applying for the respective posts.
The Salary ranges from Rs.36, 200 to Rs.1, 14, 800/- The qualification required for the post is as follows. The candidate must have Passed Plus 2 with Tamil as one of the Subjects, Must have passed Government Technical Examination in English Shorthand by Higher Grade / Senior Grade (120 WPM) Must Have passed Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting by Higher Grade / Senior Grade (45 WPM) (iv) Candidates for appointment as Junior Reporter by transfer Should Possess the Minimum General Education Qualification and Should have passed the Government Technical Examination in English Shorthand by the Higher Grade and Typewriting English by Higher Grade Working Knowledge in Tamil Shorthand is Required. Candidates should acquire the Certificate course in Computer on Office Automation Course within Their Probation Period. However, the Candidate Should Possess Sufficient Working Knowledge of Computers in the day to day Functioning of Office.
The candidate should be 18 – 35 Years. The documents that are required are Proof of date birth, Community certificate, Educational qualification, Technical Qualification, Character conduct certificate. The Starting Date for Submission of Application is on 01.03.2020 and the last date for Submission of Application is on 31.03.2020.
The address of the recruiting office is Police Shorthand Bureau, HQ, 2nd Floor, Old Coastal Security Group Building, DGP Office Complex, Mylapore, Chennai – 600004.
The Selection procedure will be made in two successive stages – The skill Test and Oral Test.