<![CDATA[Chennai: Although the Tamil Nadu government has directed all its employees to wear identity cards while on duty, state police personnel are yet to get their smart identity cards. A Mumbai-based firm had been awarded the contract to issue smart identity cards for the state's cops at a cost of Rs 84 lakh in February this year. The identity cards for all police personnel are ready and will be dispatched to them through the superintendents of police in various districts. The preparation of the smart identity cards for all the police personnel has been carried out in phases. The identity cards received from the Mumbai firm have been delivered to a few districts. Others will also be shipped very soon. The cards will be issued to all the 1.21 lakh police personnel serving in the police department and other related departments. All IPS officers already have smart identity cards issued by the ministry of home affairs. A directive by the state government on September 6 had instructed all government staff employed in various departments to wear the identity cards issued to them bearing their names, designations, departments and other details while at work. A state government secretary C Swarna had instructed all department heads to issue proper instructions to their subordinates through circulars. The DGP of the state T K Rajendran has assigned the AIG, administration, of the state police as the nodal officer to coordinate between the company and police officials in the state. The issue of smart cards will be done within three months by processing the details in a systematic way.]]>