<![CDATA[Two men were arrested on May 4 for allegedly stealing articles from factories in south-east Delhi’s Okhla industrial area, the police said on Wednesday. The police claimed to have solved six cases of burglary with the arrest of Okhla residents Jiten Kushwaha (25) and Sonu Kumar (25). The police have seized 14 laptops, one LED television, 67 leather jackets, 146 designer clothes, cloth and copper pipes from the accused. A Special Task Force (STF) was constituted following complaints of thefts in houses and factories. On May 4, a picket was set-up at Ma Anandmayee Marg in Okhla. Around 3 p.m., two men on a motorcycle were seen arriving from Kalkaji side and going towards Pul Prahladpur. The police flagged down the accused, who tried to flee instead. However, a police team nabbed the accused. The police said Jiten and Sonu targeted big offices and companies in Okhla. The accused had, over the past few months, looted nearly half a dozen factories in Okhla, and fled with laptops, television sets, leather jackets, expensive designer clothes and AC copper wires. They would dispose off the stolen articles to scrap dealers and passers-by at cheap rates. However, they were still looking for buyers for the stolen laptops and clothes. During the day, they would conduct preliminary observation of factories on the pretext of looking for jobs. They would review the security system at the factories, and possible entry and exit points. At night, the accused would enter the factories from the back lanes to steal, said Deputy Commissioner of Police (South-East)Mr. Chinmoy Biswal.]]>