Tamil Nadu, Sivaganga: A two-wheeler rally promoting the importance of wearing helmets and seat belts was organized by the Karaikudi Traffic Police in Sivaganga district, starting from the Karaikudi Thevar statue. The rally was inaugurated by Karaikudi MLA S. Mangudi and Karaikudi Corporation Mayor Se. Muthudurai. Several officials participated in the event, including Karaikudi Deputy Superintendent Parthiban, Transport Corporation General Manager Kandasamy, Traffic Police Inspector Bhaskar, South Police Station Inspector Sathishkumar, Assistant Police Inspectors Susai Michael Malaisamy, Rajavel Palanikumar Janakiraman, and Bhumi Selvam. Additionally, Traffic Assistant Police Inspector Madasamy, Traffic Chief Constables Vimal Kumar Udayappan and Muthukrishnan Kannan, along with Police Officers Karaikudi Motor Vehicle Inspector Vijayakumar and Motor Vehicle Officers Prakash Kumar and Karthi Venkatachalam, were also present.
Our Citizen Reporter – Sivagangai
Mr. Abbas Ali