Bengaluru: In preparation for the upcoming Karnataka assembly elections, the Bengaluru police apprehended two men carrying unaccounted cash worth ₹1 crore in an auto-rickshaw near the city market on Thursday. The suspects were identified as Suresh and Praveen and the cash was stored in two bags. When the police demanded the necessary documents related to the money, the duo failed to produce any, indicating that the money was likely acquired through illegal means.
The confiscated cash was handed over to the income tax department and the suspects were taken into custody. Further investigation is currently underway to determine the source and destination of the money and whether any other individuals were involved in the scheme.
This seizure comes shortly after a similar one on April 6, where ₹50 lakhs of unaccounted cash was confiscated from a car at Dundur check post in Gadag district. The Model Code of Conduct is currently in place due to the assembly elections, prohibiting the transportation of large sums of cash without proper documentation.
The Karnataka assembly elections are scheduled for May 10, with the vote counting taking place on May 13. The seizure of unaccounted cash highlights the seriousness of efforts to prevent corruption and maintain the integrity of the electoral process.