Kanchipuram: Tamil Nadu police have seized three tonnes of red sandalwood worth about Rs.2.5 crore from an abandoned lorry in Kanchipuram. Police found the lorry, which was registered in Uttar Pradesh, had been parked near Vinayagapuram for a long time and local villagers searched the vehicle and found 64 red sandalwood logs. 64 Red sandalwood weighs about three tons and has a rate of rupees Up to 2.5 crores,
Larry hid the red sandalwood logs under the straw as he did not have a driver or cleaner. The observed villagers immediately informed the Balushetti Chatram police.
Police have alerted the forest department over the incident. Forest officials visited the scene and seized the truck.
Currently, the investigation team suspects that red sandalwood may have been smuggled from Andhra Pradesh. Police officers are trying to catch the people who drove the truck to the scene.
Police are examining all CCTV cameras in the area to identify those who drove the lorry to the final location.
Our Citizen Reporter,
Venkata T Reddy