Kanchipuram: The Kanchipuram police raided a resort in Pattipulam in the early hours of Monday in which a rave party was being conducted. Several persons were arrested which included seven young women. The police said the accused were arrested when the raid was conducted at a private resort where alcohol and other intoxicants were being served illegally. The Kanchipuram district police, on receiving the information about a rave party being conducted at the resort in Pattipulam near Mamallapuram urgently organized special teams, which was led by Tiruvallur district SP Ms. R. Ponni, who carried out a raid in the late hours of Sunday night and apprehended over 153 persons from the spot. The police said the arrested persons largely are college students and computer professionals from the city. The persons had assembled for the party after registering for the party, online with the organizer. As the raid was being conducted, the Police personal seized liquor bottles, and various kinds of intoxicants from the premises of the resort. All the arrested persons are being detained in a wedding hall nearby. ]]>