Palakkad: In the town of Karalmanna, an operation led by the diligent officers of Cherpulassery police culminated in the arrest of a suspect hailing from Assam. This arrest was in connection with a case involving the theft of three mobile phones and a substantial sum of 75,000 rupees from the living quarters of guest workers.
The individual apprehended in this case is identified as Hameed Ali, aged 31, and originally from Assam. The arrest took place in the district of Malappuram, following which Hameed Ali was promptly presented before the Ottapalam court, where he was subsequently remanded.
The efficient team behind this successful operation comprised of Cherpulassery’s Station House Officer, Mr. Sasikumar T, the Special Investigation Branch’s Mr. Pramod, Assistant Sub-Inspector Mr. Swaminathan, and Chief Police Officer Mr. Jayamohan Sanfeer. Their combined efforts ensured the apprehension of the suspect and the progression of the case through the legal system.