North Goa: The Superintendent of Police responsible for the northern region of Goa, accompanied by the Sub-Divisional Police Officer from Panaji and the Police Inspector stationed in Old Goa, conducted an in-depth and comprehensive inspection of the renowned Old Goa Church. The primary objective of this visit was to conduct a meticulous evaluation and analysis of the existing security protocols in place.
In addition to the security assessment, the law enforcement delegation actively engaged in extensive dialogues and consultations with the church authorities. These discussions aimed at fostering a collaborative understanding of the intricate details surrounding the security preparations. The overarching goal of these deliberations was to ascertain and reinforce a robust and effective security framework in anticipation of the upcoming novenas and the grand feast dedicated to St. Francis Xavier at the esteemed Old Goa Church. This concerted effort underscores the commitment of the law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and smooth proceedings of the religious events in this historically significant and revered location.