Bankura: On the fateful day of December 3, 2023, a heinous incident involving a double murder transpired in the serene village of Natun Choti, situated under the jurisdiction of Bankura Police Station in the district of Bankura. In response to the gravity of this crime, authorities swiftly mobilized a dedicated Special Investigation Team to delve into the details and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Within an impressively brief span of 48 hours following the occurrence of the tragic event, all four individuals suspected of being involved in this gruesome act were successfully apprehended. Their capture took place at the bustling Durgapur bus stand, marking a significant stride in the early stages of the investigation.
As the wheels of justice turn, the comprehensive investigation continues, with the Special Investigation Team meticulously scrutinizing every aspect of the case to unravel the truth behind the double murder and ensure that justice is served for the victims and their grieving families.