Kamjong: On the 29th of January 2024, an unfortunate incident unfolded as Mr. Tamreingam Shithung, the son of Mr. Chingmi Shithung and a resident of Kamjong district, fell victim to a kidnapping orchestrated by unidentified criminals in the Mantripukhri area of Imphal East. Displaying swiftness and determination, the Manipur Police promptly initiated a comprehensive and coordinated effort to address the situation.
The diligent efforts of the Manipur Police culminated in a successful rescue mission, with Mr. Tamreingam Shithung being safely retrieved from the Kangchup Area of Imphal West. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the law enforcement’s response in ensuring the security and well-being of citizens in challenging circumstances. The incident highlights the importance of a proactive and vigilant approach to maintaining public safety in the region.