Kolkata: Sampa Roy, the attendant residing in Sardar Para, Barisha, was swiftly apprehended on the morning following the complaint lodged by a resident of Fakirpara Road under Parnasree Police Station on April 18. The complaint detailed the theft of gold ornaments valued at nearly Rs 6 lakh and cash amounting to approximately Rs 8,000 – Rs 10,000, despite Sampa having commenced work at the complainant’s residence only on April 8. Following her arrest, Sampa led authorities to Haridevpur, where a significant portion of the stolen items, including cash exceeding Rs 24,000, was recovered. The accused has been remanded to police custody until April 22 by the ACJM, Alipore.
Our, Reporter in Chief
R. Manoj Kumar Sharma
Siliguri City, West Bengal