Chhattisgarh, Surguja: The Surguja District police have successfully arrested four individuals who were part of a well-organized criminal conspiracy involved in placing large-scale bets on cricket matches, amounting to lakhs and crores of rupees. These accused individuals were also found to be involved in the creation and operation of fake bank accounts, which they used for laundering and channeling illegal money from the betting operations. During the arrests, the police seized a considerable amount of property, valued at approximately 20 lakhs. This included 73 mobile phones, which were likely used for communication and coordination in their illegal activities, 1.54 lakh rupees in cash, and 234 ATM cards, further indicating their involvement in widespread financial fraud. This crackdown by the Surguja police highlights the ongoing efforts to curb illegal gambling and financial misconduct in the region, disrupting a significant network of criminal activity linked to sports betting and money laundering.