West Bengal, Purba Bardhaman: This morning, while on traffic duty, THG Saurabh Singh Roy from the Memari police station in Purba Bardhaman District noticed a woman’s bag at the Nadipur intersection. Upon inspecting the bag, he found Rs.40,000 in cash, a mobile phone, and several important documents. Roy then contacted the owner using the mobile phone found in the bag and learned that the owner was Mitali Devi, wife of Subhankar Halder, a resident of Jaugram under Jamalpur police station. Subhankar Halder explained that while they were riding towards Memari town, his wife’s bag had fallen off. After conducting the necessary verification, the bag, along with the cash, mobile phone, and documents, was returned to Mitali Devi. She and her family expressed heartfelt gratitude to the police for their efforts. This thoughtful and responsible action by the Memari police station is expected to enhance public trust and foster a greater sense of security within the community.