Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur: Following the guidance of Thanjavur District Superintendent of Police, Mr. I. R. Rajaram, T.P.S., the initiative “Let’s Protect and Educate Girl Children” was carried out. A group of 122 government school students visited the Orathanadu All Women Police Station, Trichy Planetarium, Thanjavur District Police Office, and the District Collector’s Office, where they were educated about the Urakacholla app and emergency helplines for women, including 1930, 1098, and 181. The event concluded successfully at the Thanjavur District Police Office, under the leadership of District Superintendent of Police Mr. I. R. Rajaram, T.P.S., and District Collector Mrs. Priyanka Pankajam, I.A.S., with interactive discussions between students, teachers, and valuable advice for the students.