New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Monday evening arrested a man on charges of murder in Dwarka on Saturday. The accused aged 56 murdered the wife of a former Indian Air Force Wing Commander. The murderer has been identified as Dinesh Dixit aged 56 who is a resident of Jaipur. The accused knew the victim, Meenu Jain, for a few months, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) Mr. Anto Alphonse said The accused who committed the murder was apprehended on Monday evening from Jaipur and is being brought to Delhi, the police said. The victim, Meenu, was found dead at her residence in Air Force and Naval Officer’s Enclave in Dwarka Sector 7 on Saturday morning. The post-mortem report stated that she had been smothered to death. Neither her husband nor her son were with her during the incident. Her husband was at work as he worked as a pilot with the Indian Airlines. He son was at his rented accommodation in Noida. During investigation, the CCTV footage of the area was obtained and scanned. While examining the footage the police noted an unknown white-colored car entering the gate on April 26. This gave a few clues to the investigating officers, which led them to the accused, the police said. Mr. Alphonse said that during the initial interrogation, the accused has confessed to the police that he was in touch with the victim for the last few months. The DCP said the accused, on his last visit came to the place where the victim stayed on Friday, April 26 afternoon and stayed there till Saturday early morning. The accused further confessed that he smothered the victim and escaped with the robbed cash and other articles including her two mobile phones. The primary motive behind the murder was robbery, Mr. Alphonse said. The car of the accused was recovered and he had used fake number plates for the car. The cash and the articles worth lakhs of rupees that were robbed were also recovered, the police said. ]]>