NEW DELHI: Taking strong decision and acting on the decision with ardent efforts have been manifested in past few days while joint team of SDM, DCM and Delhi Police personnel launched 100 raids and produced challans of over Rs 7 lakh. The joint operation team also captured 1000 litres of a high concentrated acid by posing as decoy customers. According to a statement from Chief Minister’s office, Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Dev commenced a meetings and advocated revenue officers to organize a joint team of area Sub Divisional magistrate (SDM), Delhi Commission for Women (DCM) representatives and Delhi Police personnel to eliminate illegal liquor and acids sale. He sternly asked them to take all necessary measures to driving out selling of liquor and acids. He gave permission of zero tolerance against the open sale of acid. Accordingly, the joint team carried out vehement raids at various places and seized over 240 litres from one small shop, 250 litres from another. Likewise, the raids were conducted all over Delhi in over 24 sub-divisions said the official. In addition, he stated that this would be a ten days special drive of the Delhi Government and similar drives would be conducted on a regular basis. Meanwhile, people appreciated the Chief Secretary for taking such an ardent decision from his side. Swati Maliwal, the Chairperson of Delhi Commission for women also appreciated stating that such illegal sale of acid and more importantly easy availability of concentrated acid in the open market is a serious issue affected Delhi. ]]>