Anantapur: In Anantapur District, three individuals were arrested separately by Bommanahal, Kambadur, and Anantapur One Town police, following the directives of Anantapur District SP, Mr. KKN Anburajan IPS. The arrests led to the confiscation of 430 Karnataka tetra pockets, 36 liquor bottles, and a two-wheeler from the suspects. Providing further details, Bommanhal police, led by Mr. SS Anjaneyu, conducted raids and apprehended one person, seizing 288 Karnataka Tetra Pockets and a two-wheeler. Similarly, Kambadur police, under the supervision of Mr. SS Yuvaraj, conducted operations resulting in the arrest of an individual and the seizure of 150 packets of Karnataka Tetra (180 ml). Additionally, Anantapur One Town Police, directed by CI Mr. Reddappa, carried out raids leading to the arrest of one person and the confiscation of 36 quarter bottles.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy