Bidar: On the occassion the District Superintendent of Police Mr Dekka Kishor Babu IPS gave an introductory speech.
Before the program, Mr Govind Reddy District Commissioner honoured the guests and the previous year Champion Mr Anil Rathod brought the Sport torch to the Venue and after giving the oath to the athletes, the competitions were started and the various sports events like shot put and running were conducted.
In this program Mr Ravi Kumar Silvant Addl DC, Mr Mahesh Meghanavvar Additional SP Bidar District, Dr Ratikanth Swamy District Health Officer, Mr Satish KM Deputy SP Bidar Sub-Division, Mr Sunil Kondidar Deputy SP DAR, Mr Muzammil District Fire Officer, Dr. Sheikh Saifuddin Child Specialist and police department officers staff and athletes from the District participated.
Our Citizen Reporter
Khusru Ahmed