Andhra Pradesh: Hanuman Junction is a town that lies between the borders of Krishna and West Godavari districts. The Police of Hanuman junction while being attentive towards crime inspected a house in Bapulapadu village in Hanuman junction and kept a check for illegal liquor. 838 liquor bottles were seized and taken into custody by identifying a man who was selling liquor through illegal routes from Telangana to the district.
In the Kurnool district, the Police have arrested 10 accused who were smuggling and selling marijuana, LSD STAMPS / BLOTS. During the raid conducted by the police 17 kg of marijuana, 11 LSD STAMPS / BLOTS (Lysergic acid diethylamide), 8 mobile phones, weaving machine were seized by the police who conducted the raid against the crime. There was a Panchanama to the crime. A Panchanama is a record of what the Panchs (Witness) see and the same can be proved only when the said Panchs stand in the witness box and testify on oath as to what they saw during the Panchanama. The main intention behind conducting Panchanama is to guard the case from unfair dealings on the Part of the Officers.