<![CDATA[There are 670 vacant posts for which the Rajasthan Jail Department has invited applications from eligible candidates for the post of Prahari (watchman). The recruitment will be done group-wise and category-wise and it is an online application process. Candidates can either fill the form themselves through the official website www.jailprahariraj2018.in or through e-kiosk. Candidates can find the list of e-kiosks on the following website: www.emitra.gov.in. The last date to submit the application is August 16, 2018 till 11:55 pm. The application fee for SC and ST candidates who belong to Rajasthan is Rs. 400. For all other candidates the application fee is Rs. 500. Tentatively a written test will be held in September or October 2018 through which the selection of the vacancies will be done. The admit cards for the written exam will be uploaded on the official website 14 days before the examination date. Eligibility Criteria: The Applicant must have passed Secondary school examination or 10th standard examination or any equivalent examination from a recognized board. Working knowledge of Hindi language in Devnagri script is a must for the applicant as well as knowledge of Rajasthani culture and traditions.]]>