Bidar: On July 7, 2023, at around 11:30 AM, a significant incident unfolded at Ramana Raja College in Humnabad town. The local Humnabad town Police initiated a targeted operation that resulted in the apprehension of two suspects engaged in the illicit transportation of a psychotropic substance known as MD methamphetamine. The accused individuals, one hailing from Mumbai and the other from Zaheerabad, were swiftly taken into custody.
During the operation, law enforcement authorities discovered that the suspects were utilizing a Baleno car with the registration number TS 15 FG 1043 to carry out their illegal activities. This vehicle was employed to transport the MD narcotic substance from Mumbai to Hyderabad, utilizing National Highway 65 (NH.65) as their route. The substances being trafficked were found to be MD methamphetamine, a potent and highly addictive stimulant that profoundly affects the central nervous system. It typically manifests as a white, odourless crystalline powder with a distinct bitter taste. The dangers associated with this drug are significant, as it poses severe health risks and can lead to addiction, and in some cases, even death.
The issue of drug trafficking, encompassing substances such as methamphetamine, remains a pressing social problem that adversely impacts the well-being of young people and families. Moreover, the profits generated from such illicit activities are often diverted towards disruptive endeavours that have far-reaching implications for national security. Criminal networks involved in drug trafficking engage in a wide range of illegal activities, encompassing the trafficking of drugs like cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine.
It is worth noting that the apprehension of the suspects in possession of MD methamphetamine marks the first recorded instance of this particular psychotropic substance being utilized within the local pub scene in Bidar. This development highlights the evolving nature of drug use and trafficking patterns within the region.
The successful operation and subsequent arrests were conducted under the direct guidance of Mr. Channabasavanna IPS, the Superintendent of Police, and received additional support from Mr. Mahesh Meghanavvar, the Additional Superintendent of Police, and Mr. Shivanshu Rajput, the Senior Assistant Superintendent of Police of Humanabad. The Humnabad Circle’s Crime Prevention Inspector, Mr. Sharanbasappa, played a crucial role in overseeing the operation alongside Mr. Manjanagowda Patil, a Gazetted Officer from the Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) division. Furthermore, the collaborative efforts of Mr. Naganath, the Chief Medical Officer of the Government Hospital in Humanabad, Mr. Basavaraj, the PSI Mobile Station officer, and Mr. Mohd. Ghouseuddin, an Assistant Sub-Inspector, along with the dedicated team comprising Mr. Bhagawan, Mr. Prabhulinga Swamy, Mr. Anilkumar, Mr. Balaji, Mr. Baburava, Mr. Somasekhara, Ms. Sheelasagar, Mr. Suryakant, Mr. Parasuram, Ms. Ambanna, Mr. Srikanth, Mr. Vivek, Mr. Akash, and Mr. Raju Kumar, ensured the successful execution of the raid.
The diligent efforts of the Humnabad Police Station resulted in the confiscation of 499 grams of MD methamphetamine with an estimated value of Rs.49,90,000. Additionally, a Baleno car with the registration number TS 15 FG 1043, valued at approximately Rs.5,00,000, was seized. The authorities also discovered two mobile phones worth Rs.18,000 and a small weighing machine valued at Rs.500. The combined total of the seized property amounts to Rs.55,08,500.
The commendable performance of the officers and staff involved in this particular case was highly appreciated by the Superintendent of Police of Bidar. Their dedication and professionalism ensured the successful crack-down on the illegal trafficking and possession of the psychotropic substance MD methamphetamine, contributing to the overall safety and security of the community.
Our Citizen Reporter
Khusru Ahmed