<![CDATA[The Chennai city traffic police will be going hi-tech in terms of traffic fine collection. They are going cashless to put an end to allegations of bribery and misbehaviour by traffic policemen. Soon, they will be focussing on contactless enforcement. A senior police officer said that a motorist, if caught for a traffic violation, will be provided with a challan. He/she can pay the fine through card, online payment with SBI, Paytm, Chennai Corporation E-Seva centres, post offices or at the court. On an average, the police registers 8,000 cases per day and the fine per motorist ranges from Rs.500 to Rs.1,000. However, there have been allegations of traffic policemen taking bribes from motorists. To put an end to this, Commissioner Mr. A.K. Viswanathan will be launching the ‘cashless enforcement’ on Thursday. “This is part of the government’s e-governance initiative,” said a police officer. The officer said that after this, traffic police constables will not collect cash. A police officer said, Strict action would be taken against policemen who carry unaccounted cash. We already had 100 card-swiping machines. But they were not being utilised. A senior police officer added that in the coming months, the traffic violators won’t even be stopped. The officer added saying that the CCTV will capture their vehicle registration number and the challan with the picture of their violation will be sent to their homes. They can pay the fine through the cashless method.]]>