Kolar: The esteemed Chief Minister of Karnataka State, Mr. Siddaramaiah, graced the district with his presence today, marking a significant occasion dedicated to the inauguration of the Yaragola Dam. This pivotal infrastructure project plays a crucial role in supplying potable water to the towns of Kolar, Bangarapet, and Malur. The event, meticulously organized in collaboration with the District Administration of Kolar and the Urban Development Department, also served as a platform for the Chief Minister to inaugurate and oversee the commencement of various development initiatives spanning multiple departments within the dynamic landscape of Kolar district.
The gathering witnessed the participation of elected representatives from the district, adding a touch of democratic significance to the proceedings. Accompanying them were the highly esteemed Hon’ble District Collector of Kolar and the Superintendent of Police for KGF, underlining the comprehensive support and collaboration across various administrative and law enforcement domains.
The ceremonious inauguration not only symbolized the dedication to essential infrastructure projects but also highlighted the government’s commitment to fostering comprehensive development in the region. It stood as a testament to the collaborative efforts between the state government, local authorities, and the community at large in propelling the district towards sustainable growth and prosperity.