Jammu: The COVID-19 Awareness camp was organized at District Police Headquarters, Jammu by Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College Associated Hospital, Jammu.
The camp was inaugurated by Mr. Shridhar Patil, IPS, SSP Jammu on the premises of District Police Headquarters, Parade Ground, Jammu. In the camp Ayurvedic Immuno-modular and immunity booster medicines were distributed and awareness/preventive measures to avoid COVID-19 infection given to the Police personnel by Dr. Anil Badhoria, Physical Specialist, Dr. Narinder Sharma, and Dr. Pandia, M O Ayush. Dr. Anil told the Police personal about Dos and Don’ts to be adopted to combat the COVID-19 as the Police personnel is playing a vital role in combating COVID-19 infection.