Tamil Nadu, Tirunelveli: On 12.01.2025, the Samathuva Pongal festival was celebrated with great zeal at the Tirunelveli Municipal Armed Forces Ground, led by Deputy Commissioners of Police V. Geetha (West) and V. Vinoth Shantharam (East), alongside Armed Forces personnel, following the directions of Municipal Police Commissioner Santosh Hathimani, I.P.S. The Deputy Commissioners delivered special speeches and honored the winners of the sports competitions. The event was also attended by Assistant Commissioners of Police Marisamy (Intelligence Division), Saravanan (Melapalayam), Ganesan (Land Acquisition Division), Armed Forces Inspectors Senthamarai Kannan and Maheshwari, Assistant Inspectors, guards, and their families, all of whom celebrated and enjoyed the occasion.
Our Citizen Reporter – Tirunelveli
Mr. Shanmuganathan