Budgam: The Budgam Police organized a T-20 Cricket tournament under the Civic Action Program (CAP), which was inaugurated by SSP Budgam Mr. Tahir Gilani JKPS. The tournament was played on a knockout basis, and 32 teams from different areas of District Budgam participated with great enthusiasm, passion, and valour.
The final match was played between Humhama 11 and Holiday Cafe, with the latter emerging as the winners of the tournament. A colourful closing ceremony was held at the Sheikh-ul-Alam Sports Stadium Charar Sharief, which was attended by various police officials, including SSP Budgam as the Chief Guest, SDPO Charar Shareef Mr. Salim Jehangir-JKPS, DySP DAR, DPL Budgam Mr. Owaise Rashid-JKPS, SHO Police Station Charar Shareef, and other officers of Police.
During the closing ceremony, SSP Budgam thanked the participating teams for their sportsmanship and enthusiasm during the tournament. He also highlighted that the Police has always been on the forefront in providing a platform to the youth and guiding them in following their goals by organizing different events in the district. Additionally, he presented trophies and cash prizes of Rs.20, 000 and Rs.10,000, respectively, to the winning and runner-up teams.
Furthermore, the Man of the Match award was given to Dr. Rameez, and the Man of the Series award was given to Mr. Mohammad Asif. SSP Budgam also distributed sports items, including a Net for Turf, Sight Screen, and Boundary Rope, among the youth of Charar Shareef under the Civic Action Program-2023 (CAP). Moreover, the Police also created a Practice Turf at Sheikh-ul-Alam Sports Stadium Charar Shareef.
Overall, the T-20 Cricket tournament organized by the Budgam Police under the Civic Action Program (CAP) provided an excellent platform for the youth of District Budgam to showcase their cricketing skills, and the enthusiasm and sportsmanship shown by the participating teams were laudable.