Trivandrum: The Kerala Police said that there have been recent reports of video call traps and scams on WhatsApp and Messenger. Attending a video call to a mobile phone will result in a pornographic video appearing on the other side, after which the phone will be recorded on the window screen, including the face of the person attending, and money will be demanded. The accused may threaten to send this video to our friends and relatives and ask for money.
The video will be posted on social media and YouTube or will require money. Some have sent money for fear of being defamed, but there have been complaints that such fraudulent groups have been threatening again, demanding more money. With the threat that the link will be sent to friends via social media, most people will give in to scammers.
They may have already captured our complete information through social media like Facebook. So blocking them or deactivating our account will not work. Rockets from countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia are active.
The Police said beware and remember this kind of trap when receiving video calls of strangers through WhatsApp.