Trivandrum: The Kerala Police while creating awareness on the methods of maintaining safety online said to be careful what you post online. Avoid your future plans, information that reveals your location, phone, and address. Avoid GPS locations, landmarks, house and vehicle numbers in photos you share online. Use a strong password. For example, use the words (TOYOTA, MONKEY, JUPITER) (tOyOt4mOnk3yyjupi73r). Use more secure open-source software. Use Firefox, Open Office, VLC Media Player, and Linux. Check out for more information.
Make sure you are connecting to the right website. Make sure https: // in the address bar. Use a firewall application. Use the firewall app on your phone to access the Internet only for the apps you want. Do not use pirated software. Use the keywords “Open source media player” and “Open-source camera app” to search for open-source software. Be careful when downloading applications. Be sure to read the terms, permissions, and terms of the application. Be careful when using games. Do not enter your personal information even if requested. Or enter incorrect information.
Be careful when making video calls because chats and video calls can be recorded. Learn to switch off. Studies have shown that there is a link between depression and social media. When we are sad we see other people’s happy moments and we get into more trouble. So turn off online for the pleasure of the mind, read the arts, books, listen to music, and rely on nature, and so on. So calm yourself down. Keep personal photos in encrypted folders. For example, Protect the evidence. If you receive sexually explicit instructions or messages from unwanted people, be sure to delete them immediately. Ask for help from friends, family, or the police as soon as you need help. Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on the phone when not in use. Use two-factor authentication on online accounts. For extra protection, lock the screen on the phone.