Bidar: In Bidar district, Karnataka’s Basawakalyan region, the Anti-Rowdy Squad, led by Vijayakumar, CPI of Manthal Circle, along with officers Ambareesh Wagmode and Basavaraja Kodage, successfully apprehended three inter-state tipper/lorry thieves. The thieves, hailing from Osmanabad and Umarga in Maharashtra, were responsible for stealing two lorries from Kalaburagi, one lorry from Bid in Maharashtra, a tipper from Basavakalyan, and Rs.35, 00,000/- in total.
The diligent team acted upon precise information about the suspects, resulting in the seizure of one tipper and the subsequent arrest of the culprits, who were then placed in judicial custody. The authorities have lauded the commendable efforts of these officers and staff members in combating crime in Bidar district. The police’s ongoing efforts to maintain law and order in the region remain steadfast.
Our Citizen Reporter
Khusru Ahmed
Bidar District