Raipur: In the precincts of the Urla police station in Raipur, the accused, identified as Mohit Sah, found himself in the custody of law enforcement following an incident involving the discharge of a country-made pistol. The arrest transpired after the discovery of an arsenal in his possession, comprising one illicitly manufactured pistol, six live rounds of ammunition, and one spent shell.
The circumstances leading to Mohit Sah’s apprehension unfolded when, in an ill-fated attempt to assess the functionality of the firearm, a round was inadvertently discharged. Tragically, the unintended consequence of this discharge was a direct hit to the right hip of his companion, necessitating the immediate hospitalization of the injured party, identified as Ravi Gupta. Acting upon the formal complaint lodged by the concerned applicant detailing the injuries sustained by Ravi Gupta during the firearm incident, the Urla police station invoked Section 308 of the Indian Penal Code in the registered case against Mohit Sah.
Furthermore, the legal proceedings extended to the violation of Sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act, culminating in the arrest of Mohit Sah. Authorities took decisive action by not only apprehending the accused but also confiscating the incriminating evidence from his possession, including the aforementioned country-made pistol, six live rounds of ammunition, and one empty shell. This comprehensive response underscores the gravity of the incident and the commitment of law enforcement to ensure accountability for such reckless actions.