Bijapur: In the remote reaches of Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district, a significant confrontation unfolded between security forces and suspected Maoist insurgents, culminating in the demise of six individuals, one of whom was identified as a female cadre. This dramatic event, which transpired amidst the dense foliage of the Chikurbhatti and Pusbaka villages, was relayed by Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range) Sundarraj P.
According to Sundarraj P, a meticulous search operation is currently underway in the aforementioned jungle expanse, the very location where the intense exchange of gunfire occurred. The genesis of this operation stemmed from precise intelligence indicating the presence of Maoist elements within the area. Responding to this actionable intelligence, a unified task force comprising the District Reserve Guard (DRG), the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and the elite CoBRA unit was swiftly dispatched.
Detailing the sequence of events, Sundarraj P disclosed that upon the cessation of initial hostilities, the Maoists unexpectedly reinitiated combat, necessitating a decisive response from the security forces. Consequently, the aftermath of the clash yielded the discovery of six lifeless bodies, among them a woman, strewn across the battleground.
Despite the grim outcome, the task of identification remains pending, awaiting confirmation of the deceased’s affiliations. Furthermore, amidst the dense undergrowth of the jungle, security personnel diligently scour for any remnants of arms and ammunition, with the intent of neutralizing potential threats and safeguarding the region from future unrest.
Notably, the Bijapur district, ensconced within the sprawling Bastar Lok Sabha constituency, assumes heightened significance as the electoral calendar approaches. Scheduled to cast their ballots in the inaugural phase of the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections on April 19, the denizens of this district find themselves at the nexus of political fervor and security imperatives.