Tamil Nadu, Tirunelveli: As part of National Road Safety Month, and in line with the directives of Tirunelveli City Police Commissioner Santosh Hathimani, I.C.P., a road safety awareness initiative was conducted under the supervision of Deputy Commissioners of Police V. Geetha (West) and V. Vinoth Shantharam (East). Led by Assistant Commissioner of Police Ganesan (Armed Force in charge), along with Traffic Police Inspectors Chellathurai (Palai) and Manimaran (Sandippu), traffic police officers visited students at Palai Xavier School and M.D.T.A Hindu College. The awareness program emphasized the dangers of risky travel, such as standing on bus steps, and highlighted the legal restriction prohibiting individuals under the age of 18 from driving. The students were educated on road safety measures and advised on ways to prevent accidents.
Our Citizen Reporter – Tirunelveli
Mr. Shanmuganathan