Bidar : Bidar South Constituency In Manalli village of A newly build police station Inaugurated By Minister in charge of Bidar District Shankar Patil Munenakoppa. Meanwhile Bandappa Khashempur MLA said, All people should reduce crimes in this area Live by friendships for a Better Society. On this occasion Union Minister Mr Bhagwant Khuba, Mr Govind Reddy District Commissioner, Mr Dekka Kishor Babu IPS Superintendent of Police, Shilpa Zilla Panchayat CEO, Mr Mahesh Meghanavvar Additional Superintendent Of Police Bidar District Bidar Sub-Division Mr.Satish KM DySP Bidar, Mr Srikanth Allapure Circle Police Inspector Bidar Rural PS Limits, Mr Veershetty Patil PSI, Including the neatly built Bhim Shetty Guttedar and officials, Representatives People’s were participated.
our citizen Reporter
Khusru Ahmed