New Delhi: A couple had been arrested by the Police for creating havoc and showing displeasing behavior with the traffic police. The incident took place at the Lajwanti Garden Crossing on Wednesday. Persons are identified as Anil Pandey and Madhuri.
When the traffic police were on their duty, the Police Control Room had made a call informing that a couple was creating havoc with traffic police personnel, the Additional Station House Officer of Mayapuri along with his team hurried to the spot and found out a woman, a pillion rider was misbehaving with police personnel. During the interrogation, police learned that the woman miscreant was riding with a male rider who had crossed the stop line. When the stoppage signal was indicated for a traffic violation she entered into a ferocious dispute with traffic staff. However, police personnel put an effort to pacify and solve the matter. But they remained rebellious with their crude attitude. After the medical examination, they were found out with the consumption of alcohol.
Therefore, police have arrested the duo for the violation of traffic rules and misbehavior against the government servants.