Andhra Pradesh: On 1.7.2024 the PGRS program was conducted in all Police Stations and District Police Offices across the state. As part of the Government of Andhra Pradesh’s flagship program, people are given the opportunity to directly approach District Superintendents of Police (SsP), either in person or virtually, to resolve their grievances. A wide range of issues, including financial matters, land disputes, domestic conflicts, chit fund scams, women’s issues, job scams, cyber fraud, and more, are comprehensively and patiently heard by the District SsP with an empathetic approach. Grievances are assigned to the concerned police officers for resolution and necessary action as per the law. The Andhra Pradesh Police is committed to addressing all issues and providing the best services to the people through this unique PGRS program, in line with the mandate of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the vision of the Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy