Bidar: On June 7, 2023, as per the information provided by their superiors, Mr. Suresh Hajjargi, a dedicated and skilled Investigation PSI (Police Sub-Inspector) from Humanaba Police Station, led a successful operation along with his highly competent team. Their target was a mataka ticket writer, who was engaging in illegal activities in a public space near the bustling bus stand of Ghodawadi village, falling under the jurisdiction of Humanabad Police Station in Bidar district.
During the meticulously planned and executed raid, the law enforcement officials swiftly apprehended the accused. In the process, they managed to confiscate significant evidence, including a mataka ticket, a ball pen, and a substantial amount of cash totaling Rs.22, 500.00. Furthermore, they discovered a mobile phone valued at Rs.8, 000.00, and a two-wheeler vehicle estimated to be worth Rs.30, 000.00. The total value of the seized items amounted to an impressive Rs.60, 500.00.
Following the successful operation, a comprehensive case has been registered against the accused, ensuring that legal proceedings are initiated to bring them to justice. The diligent efforts and exceptional teamwork displayed by Mr. Suresh Hajjargi and his team have received well-deserved praise and commendation from their superiors and colleagues. Their unwavering commitment to maintaining law and order in Bidar district is evident through their proactive approach and relentless pursuit of criminals.
This operation serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts of the district police in Bidar, as they remain steadfast in their mission to combat crime and ensure the safety and security of the local community. Through their continued dedication and tireless endeavors, they strive to create a harmonious and crime-free environment for all residents of Bidar district.