Raipur: In the aftermath of the robbery near Didwania Residency Highway Road, under the jurisdiction of the DD Nagar police station in Raipur, significant developments have taken place. The accused, Manish Rochlani, who was involved in the crime, has been successfully apprehended by the Raipur Police. Notably, Manish Rochlani is the real brother of another accused party, Uttam Rochlani, who is currently at large.
Following the arrest of Manish Rochlani, a thorough investigation led to the recovery of the stolen items, including gold jewelry and a mobile phone, from his possession. The combined estimated value of the recovered loot is approximately Rs. 5,00,000/-. The diligent efforts of the law enforcement agencies have resulted in a breakthrough in this case.
Despite the successful arrest of Manish Rochlani, the pursuit for justice continues, as Uttam Rochlani remains elusive and is currently absconding. Every conceivable effort is being exerted by the authorities to trace and apprehend the remaining accused individual.
In response to this criminal incident, a case has been formally registered against both Manish Rochlani and Uttam Rochlani at the D.D. Nagar police station. The legal proceedings will further unfold as the investigation progresses, ensuring that justice is served in connection with this robbery case near Didwania Residency Highway Road in Raipur.