Kerala, Kozhikode City: The City Crime Squad, in collaboration with the Nadakkavu police, apprehended three individuals involved in robbing a supermarket in the city center under the cover of darkness. The arrested individuals include Mohammed Razi, a native of Lakshadweep, Vishwajith from Beypur, and Aflah Chemmadan. The group had allegedly planned to escape to Lakshadweep after committing the crime.
The arrests followed a week-long investigation led by Nadakkavu Inspector N. Prajeesh under the guidance of Town ACP Ashraf T.K. On the night of the robbery, the accused, disguised with gloves and face coverings, executed a meticulously planned operation. CCTV footage revealed their deliberate efforts to leave no trace behind.
The investigation uncovered that the suspects had prepared for the crime from a hideout in Farokh and proceeded to Nadakkavu on a motorcycle around 2:30 a.m. Mohammed Razi, who had worked at the supermarket for two weeks, gained knowledge about the store’s security systems, including the range of CCTV cameras. The plan involved two individuals entering the store to carry out the robbery while the third remained outside to provide instructions.
Body language analysis by experts from the City Crime Squad initially pointed to an insider connection. Investigators reviewed approximately 100 CCTV recordings from across the city, eventually identifying Mohammed Razi, who had resigned a year ago following a dispute with the manager. To mislead authorities, the suspects left the Farokh railway station area before returning to the same location, a critical turning point in the case.
The accused were arrested after the City Crime Squad established a temporary base in Farokh. During interrogation, they admitted to a similar theft at a shop in Mangadan Building in Tirur Market on the 20th of the previous month. The stolen funds were reportedly used for lavish expenses and drug use. Investigators are currently probing whether the suspects received external assistance in carrying out the crimes.