<![CDATA[ The Central Crime Branch (CCB) arrested a watchman who was working with the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and his son for allegedly cheating eight persons by issuing fake allotment orders. According to The Central Crime Branch (CCB) K. Ganesh, a staff of Port Trust, lodged a cheating complaint against the father and son at the Police Commissioner’s office. He told that the accused, D. Babu, 50, and his son Vinoth, 27, were introduced to him by a tenant. Mr. Babu claimed that he was working as an officer with the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and was influential. Following his promise to get a housing allotment, Mr. Ganesh and his friends gave Rs.52.77 lakh to Mr. Babu and Mr.Vinoth. Mr. Babu in return gave them fake allotment orders for houses in Maraimalai Nagar. Only later they found out that they had been given fake allotment orders after Mr. Babu began to delay the execution of registrations. Their accomplice, Prakash, 41, was also arrested. ]]>