Bidar: In an extensive operation, the Bidar District Humanabad Taluk Police conducted a targeted raid on an unauthorized unit engaged in the manufacturing of counterfeit Pan Masala belonging to various renowned brands. The incident unfolded in Bidar, where valuable assets worth approximately Rs.66 lakh were seized as a result of the diligent efforts of law enforcement personnel.
The enforcement action, carried out with meticulous precision, led to the successful apprehension of the culprits involved in this illicit enterprise. The three individuals responsible for the production of fake gutka in close proximity to Hudgi village of Humnabad taluk were promptly arrested by the Bidar police. Subsequently, the arrested individuals were remanded into judicial custody to face legal proceedings for their involvement in this fraudulent activity.
The magnitude of the illegal operation became evident as the police authorities uncovered a substantial cache of evidence. The seized items included a staggering quantity of 1,600 kg of Pan Masala raw materials, indicative of the extensive scale at which the counterfeit products were being produced. Furthermore, the enforcement team discovered and confiscated a total of 11 machines specifically designed for the packaging of Gutka packets, further underscoring the sophisticated nature of the operation.
It was also discovered that the illicit trade extended beyond the borders of Bidar, as the police intercepted and impounded five lorries that were being utilized for the unlawful transportation of the counterfeit goods from Bidar to Maharashtra. This revelation shed light on the broader network of illegal activities associated with the manufacturing and distribution of the fake Pan Masala products.
The successful raid and subsequent arrests served as a resounding message to those engaged in the production and circulation of counterfeit goods, demonstrating the unwavering commitment of the Bidar police in combating such unlawful practices. The diligent efforts of the law enforcement agencies ensured that the operation was brought to a swift halt, preventing further harm to the unsuspecting consumers and safeguarding the reputation of the genuine Pan Masala brands involved.
Our Citizen Reporter
Khusru Ahmed