New Delhi: The Delhi Police have raided inter-state illegal arms and ammunition suppliers and arrested four persons, the police said on Thursday. Mr. P. S. Kushwant, DCP (special cell) said, on receiving an information in the last week of April about the arrival of Bachchu Singh to Delhi, the police laid a trap for him and he and his accomplice Ajay Salve were arrested near Mathura Road on Monday. The police seized 35 pistols and 60 live cartridges from their possession. During investigation it was found that the accused Bachchu was released from MP’s Khargone jail in November 2018 and has a track record of being involved in at least seven heinous crime cases in UP and MP. The DCP said the accused had opened his own illegal arms factory in his village but it was raided twice by the local police after which he started purchasing weapons from Khargone to sell them in western UP and Delhi. He had a carrier named Ajay and he used to charge per pistol to transport the weapons from MP to other places. He has visited Delhi twice. An information was also received by the police that Neetu Jaat of Rajasthan was supplying arms to local criminals in UP, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi-NCR. Tracking his movement the police laid a trap for him in the period of the night of Sunday and Monday and arrested him from Sarai Kale Khan and the police seized 20m pistols from his possession. When Neetu Jaat was being interrogated, he confessed to the police that he purchased arms from Nakshe in UP’s Mainpuri. He was also arrested on Wednesday near Mainpuri Bus Terminus, Mr. Kushwah said. The police seized nine pistols from his possession. According to the police Neetu has been in this illegal business for the last five years and has been involved in several criminal cases. The persons who have been arrested have been identified as Bachchu Singh (55), Ajay Salve (35), Ranjit Singh alias Neetu Jaat (55) and Nakshe Lal (21), the DCP said. . ]]>