Kollam: Police in search of a culprit, involved in recent stabbing case in the district of Kollam. According to police, the accused is identified as Ananthu, aged 20. He was the private bus employee of the area. He had entered girl’s room through the roof of the house and sought to commit immoral act with her. On her refusal, the man stabbed her twice in the abdomen with a screwdriver. Then the girl fell unconscious due to blood flow of her body profusely. Immediately, after attacking her, he escaped. She is the student of class XII. When the incident was known, she was rushed to a nearby hospital called Sasthamcottar and later she was shifted to Thiruvananthapuram medical college. Now, the condition of girl seemed to have improved though lot of blood discharged from her body. Police are searching for the man accused. Once, he would be caught, he would be liable to susceptible punishment. ]]>